Designed to work in the metalworking industry, as well as in those industries where the collection and separation of metal shavings, oil and coolant;
At the same time, it allows to collect ordinary dust and solid particles, as well as various liquids for a long time
Equipped with a dispensed liquid dispensing system based on reverse air flow
The tangential location of the intake contributes to a better separation of dust from the filter and allows for the cleaning of a large amount of dirt
Depending on the modifications, it is completed with a one-three-phase turbine with a side channel;
Suitable for dry and wet cleaning in workshops and workshops, collecting dust, chips and oils from machines and mechanisms
Equipped with a semi-automatic filter cleaning system using a pneumatic piston;
It is completed with filters M of class “antistatic”, cyclone and filter of the second stage of class HEPA (optional);
For the preliminary separation of metal shavings from oil and coolant, a special mesh-basket made of stainless steel is used (optional)
The tank is equipped with an elevator mechanism for working with heavy materials.